Peeks at Scott Pilgrim and Harry Potter from the MTV Movie Awards

It’s that time again, folks. New footage from Scott Pilgrim vs. the World has been released, which means by all laws of god and man, I must post about it. This clip is of Scott taking on world famous action star Lucas Lee (Chris Evans, in the role that might finally win me over)–also one of Ramona’s evil exes–and his stunt team:

It’s really hard for me to describe anything about this movie without launching into hyperbole, which may pose a problem when I actually review the thing, but…um…was that freaking fantastic, or was it not? Correct answer: IT WAS. Oh yes, it most certainly was. Not only does Michael Cera actually get to kick ass, but we see that Edgar Wright has perfectly nailed the books’ sense of humor (even if the fight with Lucas was radically different on the page). And I’m inclined to agree with Entertainment Weekly that Kieran Culkin may even have stolen the spotlight with his pitch-perfect delivery of, “Hey, ask them how it feels to get always get the sloppy seconds.”

Continue after the jump for a sneak peek at Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I.

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