Listen to Episode 58, “The C-Word”

Gobbledygeek episode 58, “The C-Word,” is available for listening or download right here.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen: the C-Word! We’re talking about canon, of course. (And its dirty little sister, continuity.) These two words, and fan reaction to them, have defined much of fandom. How do you react to the supposed reality of a fictional story? Is it fluid? Who has the right to decide where canon begins and ends? These questions and more are blathered on about by Paul and AJ this week. Plus: news, AJ’s review of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, and Formspring questions.

(Show notes for “The C-Word.”)

The Gobbledygeek Guide to the 2011 Summer Movie Season

Ready for some hot fun in the summertime? Well, we’ve got the next best thing! In this week’s episode, Paul and I discussed 44 movies coming out from May through August. Not all of these are sure to be good, and at least a couple are guaranteed to be rotten, but all of them have something interesting about them.

(FYI: The trailers for Bad Teacher and 30 Minutes or Less may be NSFW, as they are both red-band trailers.)

May 6


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New ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’ Trailer

Are you ready to get chills?

“Why do you live?” “Because I have something to live for.”

Yeah, you got chills.

As I’ve said before, I’ve been lukewarm on the latter films in the series, but I thought Half-Blood Prince was a step in the right direction and I’m really hoping that David Yates can bring everything to a satisfying close. This trailer is certainly promising, with plenty of thrills, tears, and wonderful photography.

Man, I’m having to relive the end of Harry Potter all over again. I can’t believe it’s been nearly a decade since the first movie, and 13 years since the first book. Wow. The times, they are a-changin’…