Listen to Episode 138, “Much Ado About the Great Pacific Trek East”


Gobbledygeek episode 138, “Much Ado About the Great Pacific Trek East,” is available for listening or download right here, and on iTunes here.

Soon–not soon enough for the Ohioan of the group–summer will be upon us. Swimmin’ pools and movie stars; big-ass movie stars, as a matter of fact. Robert Downey Jr. suits up as Iron Man once more, Hugh Jackman gets his claws on as Wolverine, Benedict Cumberbatch Star Trek(s) Into Darkness, and Leonardo DiCaprio is mad and stuff as Jay Gatsby. Plus there are smaller films, including a certain Joss Whedon production, as Paul and AJ guide you through 20 movies they’re looking forward to this hopefully warm and hopefully sunny summer.

Next: speaking of suiting up, Iron Man 3 is here, boys and girls.

(Show notes for “Much Ado About the Great Pacific Trek East.”)

The Gobbledygeek Guide to the 2011 Summer Movie Season

Ready for some hot fun in the summertime? Well, we’ve got the next best thing! In this week’s episode, Paul and I discussed 44 movies coming out from May through August. Not all of these are sure to be good, and at least a couple are guaranteed to be rotten, but all of them have something interesting about them.

(FYI: The trailers for Bad Teacher and 30 Minutes or Less may be NSFW, as they are both red-band trailers.)

May 6


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Listen to Episode 50, “Dead Smurf Storage”

Gobbledygeek episode 50, “Dead Smurf Storage,” is available for listening or download right here.

The summer movie season is right around the corner, so Paul and AJ dive into a plethora of releases from the tentpoles to the (many, apparently) interesting limited releases. Superheroes? Check. Chick flicks? Check. Painfully quirky indie movies? Check. And most importantly, Justin Timberlake? Check, check, and here’s a little more check. Plus: news, Paul and AJ’s take on Steve Carell’s final episode of The Office, and some Gobbler correspondence. Pop some corn and enjoy.

(Show notes for “Dead Smurf Storage.”)

Listen to Last Night’s Gobbledygeek

Last night’s Gobbledygeek, “Teen Wolf Is Unrealistic,” is available for listening right here. We talk about the summer movie season, ideas for the forthcoming Spider-Man reboot, werewolves, and more. And yes, you get to hear Kevin’s rant about the logical fallacies of Teen Wolf. Also, hear us totally forget we should be watching the clock and subsequently get cut off!

In the episodes since Lost‘s end, we’ve realized we sort of don’t do anything during the bonus hour except ramble and talk about the show itself, so we’re going to work on that and hopefully future bonus hours will be much more interesting.

Gobbledygeek #12 Tonight!

The twelfth episode of Gobbledygeek airs live tonight at 10:30 PM EST right here, so getcher bookmarks out. That’s right, in case you missed it, this week’s show is airing on Thursday instead of Friday because of that whole pesky life thing. Tonight we’ll be discussing a brief history of summer movies, some of our most memorable summer moviegoing moments, and the worthwhile stuff that’s coming out this summer.

Do you have a favorite summer movie moment? Send it to us, and we’ll read it during tonight’s bonus hour! C’mon. You know you want to.

Reminder: If you’ve got a free Skype account and a free BlogTalkRadio account, you can use the free “Click to Talk” button to call in…for free!

This Week’s Gobbledygeek Will Be a Day Early

The dilemma of doing something like Gobbledygeek–which despite the charming amateurishness and all does actually require no small amount of planning–without getting paid for it, while beholden to everyday life, is that sometimes life is gonna win out. That’s why we skipped three weeks last month, and since we don’t want to have to cancel again, this week’s show is going to be on Thursday, June 10, instead of Friday, June 11. Of course, we understand that you might not be able to listen live because of this, but that’s why BlogTalkRadio archives it (and don’t forget, you can have all our shows imported into your iTunes library).

Oh, and I can reveal this week’s topic: the summer movie season! There’ll be a brief history of summer movies, mentions of the best of them, and an overview of the good stuff coming out this summer. You can listen to the show right here this Thursday at 10:30 PM EST.