The Gobbledygeek Guide to the 2011 Summer Movie Season

Ready for some hot fun in the summertime? Well, we’ve got the next best thing! In this week’s episode, Paul and I discussed 44 movies coming out from May through August. Not all of these are sure to be good, and at least a couple are guaranteed to be rotten, but all of them have something interesting about them.

(FYI: The trailers for Bad Teacher and 30 Minutes or Less may be NSFW, as they are both red-band trailers.)

May 6


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Listen to Episode 45, “Secret Origins”

Well, after a few frustrating delays, Gobbledygeek episode 45, “Secret Origins,” is finally available for listening or download right here. To celebrate the show’s one-year anniversary, Paul and AJ decide to reach back into the dusty, cobweb-laced corners of their minds to bring us their Secret Origins: their first geek experiences, what led them to becoming full-fledged geeks, what made them into who they are today. Such memories as paper-and-dice role-playing, live-action role-playing, and chat room role-playing are brought up…wow, that’s a lot of role-playing. Never again question their geek credentials. Also, things like comic books, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, computers, and more. Plus you’ve got news; upcoming DVD releases; AJ’s takes on The Troll Hunter, Another Year, and How Do You Know; and Paul and AJ’s joint reviews of The Adjustment Bureau and Rango.

Next: we know we’ve got some listeners who don’t really “get” the comics portions of our show, so we shall endeavor to offer a comic book primer.

(Show notes for “Secret Origins.”)