The Gobbledygeek Guide to the 2011 Summer Movie Season

Ready for some hot fun in the summertime? Well, we’ve got the next best thing! In this week’s episode, Paul and I discussed 44 movies coming out from May through August. Not all of these are sure to be good, and at least a couple are guaranteed to be rotten, but all of them have something interesting about them.

(FYI: The trailers for Bad Teacher and 30 Minutes or Less may be NSFW, as they are both red-band trailers.)

May 6


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Listen to Last Night’s Gobbledygeek

Last night’s Gobbledygeek, “How to Stake a Vampire,” is available for listening right here. It’s the first of our five Halloween-themed shows this month, and in it we discuss everyone’s favorite creature of the night, the venerable vampire. Everything from Nosferatu to Fright Night gets a mention, and we talk about our favorite approaches to the vampire mythos as well (Kevin and I share our own). Then in the bonus hour, we talk about next week’s DVD releases, The Social Network, and a few other bits and bobs. Sink your fangs in and enjoy.

Next week: werewolves.